Wednesday 21 December 2011

Smoking should be Banned from The Campus

There have been numerous campaigns against cigarette smoking communicating that this vice causes death. But a threat to health doesn’t seem to be a good reason for quitting anymore. People somehow block themselves and ignore all the information that is given to them. The purpose of this essay is to discuss three effects of cigarette smoking, besides the broadly mentioned possibility of developing cancer or dying, which are the smell of smoke, the stained teeth, and the cost of doing it.

The first effect of cigarette smoking, and probably the one that the non-smokers hate the most, is that it permeates everything around it. Smokers usually have smelly hair, breath, clothes, and, if they smoke indoors, a smelly room. The stench of cigarette smoke is very penetrating and hard to remove. Even if the person quits smoking the odor remains for a long time.

The second effect of cigarette smoking is one that most people don’t even take into consideration. It stains the teeth yellow or sometimes even brown. Since this effect is long term, most people are not aware of it when they begin smoking. The truth is that a cigarette stain is very hard to eliminate from the teeth, and it will probably end up costing a considerable amount of money. Yellow teeth are disgusting because they give an unhygienic image and make people look older.

The third effect of smoking is that it will eventually end up affecting the smoker’s personal economy. Depending on the country the prices of cigarettes can differ. But even at an affordable price the regular consumption of cigarettes will eventually take its economic toll.

These are only three out of many other effects that cigarette smoking can have, but to any sensible person they are more than enough to realize that smoking is bad. People can’t possibly be proud of calling themselves smokers. It is terrible for health as well as personal appearance. In the end, those who live in poverty, stink of smoke, and have yellow teeth are the people who are affected the most by this life threatening activity.

"stop it now, in campus, in public places, indoor, outdoor, and in all places, cos it bad for everythings.."


Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

1. Is the text explicit or implicit?
- Implicit. Why? because in this text the man has feel and watch what happened in front of him, that's why he believe ghost is fact aruond us. he giving an information about ghost story who make some people believe to ghost and make some people doesn't believe it.

2. Is it expressing argumentation doubt?
- Expressing argumentation. Because in this text is already clear that some people were arguing about the ghost whether they are exist or not.

3. What is the standpoint?
- The writter has believe that ghost are exist, then he suggest us to try stand up in front of the mirror in midnight, wait what 
will happen inside the mirror that call "Bloody Mary".
"Bloody Mary" is a somewhat silly practice that some kids do on Halloween.  People think that if you stand in front of a mirror, in the dark, and repeat "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary" a ghostly face with come into the mirror.

source :

Thursday 1 December 2011

Roadwork in Bandung : Concrete Slabs Construction Works

What it means : 
What it says : There are a lot construction works in public road, especially in Bandung.
Explain about the road constructions in Bandung.
Introduction :
1.      There are a lot construction works in public road in Bandung with new method such as using concrete slabs.
2.      Widening road.
3.      Positives and negatives effec from this roadwork.
What it means : 
What it says : Positives effect roadwork in Bandung
Describe positives effect roadwork in Bandung.
2nd Paragraph :
1.      Widening road decreasing traffic jam
2.      Increasing comfort of driving vehicle.
3.      Reduce accidents caused by road damage.
What it means : 
What it says : Negatives effect
Explain negatives effect
3rd Paragraph :
1.      Traffic jam.
2.      Many road block.
3.      Diversion road
What it means :
What it says : my opinion about roadwork.
In those case of  negatives effect, i think many people should understand it, because that roadwork its for our comfort too, willing to sacrifice a little time to pass the road diverted only temporarily, and after the entire road repair is completed we can feel the results.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

SEA GAMES in Indonesia

 I believe it was two things that we and the government should think about. Because its make miserable if we were remind about the poorness in our country its so worse. And now, our country has been the host of SEA Games, whereas the government spent so much money to be a good host in this time, maybe it was the worse think and better we should not be a host in that event, the first thing that we and the government should do is make almost 30% people not marginalized, how? let's think about it. would you do that?

But in the other hand, people really want to see this country have a good achievement in SEA Games, almost all of the citizens wait this event, but they did not remember about other people who were marginalized, maybe just a little bit people remember it, because they think that problem should be handled by government,
but, all citizens knew it is not so easy to resolve that.
As you know SEA games in our country its so emergency, and as the matter of fact the government realize that. But i wonder why government or the committee still held SEA Games, if the government can not able to held it, why undertakes it. Spending a lot of money for that, but not looking around the problem in our country. There's so many things that must be resolves in this country.

So the point is, we should not be a host, because it must be spend a lot of money, that maybe increase poverty. better be a guest in other country then show our skill, and make a good achievement.
and those money can be for well -being society.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Example of Argumentation

Pemain belakang FC Barcelona, Dani Alves menyatakan pelatih Real Madrid, Jose Mourinho tak punya jiwa besar untuk mengakui Barca sebagai klub terbaik dunia saat ini. Hal itu dikatakan Alves di Barcelona, Rabu.
Seperti diketahui FC Barca sudah meraih 14 gelar juara dalam kurun waktu 3 setengah tahun terakhir. Gelar terakhir adalah juara Piala Dunia Antr-Klub di Yokohama, Jepang pekan lalu.
Sukses tersebut mengundang reaksi Jose Mourinho yang mengatakan Piala Dunia Antar-kLub di Jepang hanyala beberapa pertandingan tak berarti. “Orang seperti Mourinho hanya bisa menghargai keberhasilan diri sendiri. Jika orang lain yang menang ia tak bia menerima fakta. Bagi kami tak jadi masalah apa pendapat Mourinho. Hanya upayanya mengecilkan arti sukses Barca membuatnya tampak tak punya jiwa besar,” kata Alves.
“Pendapat saya dan pendapat Mourinho bertolak belakang. Karena untuk memainkan beberapa ‘pertandingan tak berarti di Jepang’ kita harus lebih dulu menjadi juara Liga Champions Eropa,” kata Alves.
Sejauh ini persaingan di La Liga Spanyol antara Real Madrid dan Barelona tetap ketat. Barca masih beradadi urutan kedua klasemen sementara setelah memainkan 16 pertandingan. Messi dkk ketinggalan tiga biji kemenangan meskipun pekan lalu mereka menghajar Real Madrid di kandang lawan.
The Argument text above :
Positive : 
“Pendapat saya dan pendapat Mourinho bertolak belakang. Karena untuk memainkan beberapa ‘pertandingan tak berarti di Jepang’ kita harus lebih dulu menjadi juara Liga Champions Eropa,” kata Alves.
negative :
 “Orang seperti Mourinho hanya bisa menghargai keberhasilan diri sendiri. Jika orang lain yang menang ia tak bia menerima fakta. Bagi kami tak jadi masalah apa pendapat Mourinho. Hanya upayanya mengecilkan arti sukses Barca membuatnya tampak tak punya jiwa besar,” kata Alves.

Argumentation Analysis

Argumentation is :
1.A process of reasoning, or a controversy made up of rational proofs. 
Process to give some convincing argument that we should responsible with it, about communication between people with the reasonable opinion and also how to analyze, evaluate, and identify every argument or opinion.
People who make use argumentation always appeal to some standard of reasonableness and to resolve the difference of opinion.
the standpoint of every opinion depend someone who can explain about their argument.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Essay Writing I with New Technology

We have a lot things to do and learn with this new subject..!! it's great.
With new technology we can improve our skill in writing with limited time, of course,
because we do it in campus.
That make us need to write essay as fast as we can.

Hope with this  new technology, we can get a good score. amiiinnn.