Thursday 1 December 2011

Roadwork in Bandung : Concrete Slabs Construction Works

What it means : 
What it says : There are a lot construction works in public road, especially in Bandung.
Explain about the road constructions in Bandung.
Introduction :
1.      There are a lot construction works in public road in Bandung with new method such as using concrete slabs.
2.      Widening road.
3.      Positives and negatives effec from this roadwork.
What it means : 
What it says : Positives effect roadwork in Bandung
Describe positives effect roadwork in Bandung.
2nd Paragraph :
1.      Widening road decreasing traffic jam
2.      Increasing comfort of driving vehicle.
3.      Reduce accidents caused by road damage.
What it means : 
What it says : Negatives effect
Explain negatives effect
3rd Paragraph :
1.      Traffic jam.
2.      Many road block.
3.      Diversion road
What it means :
What it says : my opinion about roadwork.
In those case of  negatives effect, i think many people should understand it, because that roadwork its for our comfort too, willing to sacrifice a little time to pass the road diverted only temporarily, and after the entire road repair is completed we can feel the results.

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