Wednesday 21 December 2011

Ghosts Fact or Fiction?

1. Is the text explicit or implicit?
- Implicit. Why? because in this text the man has feel and watch what happened in front of him, that's why he believe ghost is fact aruond us. he giving an information about ghost story who make some people believe to ghost and make some people doesn't believe it.

2. Is it expressing argumentation doubt?
- Expressing argumentation. Because in this text is already clear that some people were arguing about the ghost whether they are exist or not.

3. What is the standpoint?
- The writter has believe that ghost are exist, then he suggest us to try stand up in front of the mirror in midnight, wait what 
will happen inside the mirror that call "Bloody Mary".
"Bloody Mary" is a somewhat silly practice that some kids do on Halloween.  People think that if you stand in front of a mirror, in the dark, and repeat "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary" a ghostly face with come into the mirror.

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